Monday, June 30, 2014

Barbers Sesh 06/29/14

Fun longboarding sesh at Barbers (White Plains) on Sunday morning 06/29/2014.  I ran the front mount GoPro Hero 3 and the tail view GoPro Hero 3 (no video has been posted yet).  Here's one of the fun rides I had, one of these days I'll get a video editing program and put together a real video instead of just posting raw footage.  

I was completely sunburnt from Saturday's surf sesh hence the wetsuit top, shorts, and hat but like I always say any day in the water is a good day.  

There was supposed to be a south swell, whether or not it actually hit is debatable but the winds were right in the later morning, the water cleaned up nicely & there were some fun little waves.  I am especially a fan of the people who surf at this break, they are incredibly friendly, and they have a very high tolerance for our ridiculous mount setups (and seeming obsession with our GoPros), it's good vibes all around.  Lucky we live Hawaii, for sure.  

Weirdly yours,

Friday, June 20, 2014

International Surfing Day 2014 :)

Let it be known, today is International Surfing Day :) my biggest sadness today (and almost everyday) is that I won't be able to have myself a little surf seshie!  There are so many "what ifs" in life and circumstances we use (mostly as excuses) to rationalize our daily lives for example mine is: If I wasn't in a pretty solid relationship w/ a man who doesn't surf & is into triathlons (a whole separate beast of traveling in itself) and also you know the whole I have to make car payments and pay bills etc etc, I would pack my bags and surfboards and surf waves all over the world.

Well, maybe not so extreme to quit my job, drop everything, and wander the earth in search of waves (that would be ideal but totally unrealistic).  During my year of single-dom I went on my first surf trip to Nicaragua and it was THE BEST TRIP I've ever taken my little okole on.  I surfed twice a day everyday, we ate fish and rice dinners, drank lots of tona (beer) and flor de cana rum, we danced- almost every night we danced, woke up early before the sun, we surfed, we laughed, my buddies Matty and Nate fought over whose music would rule the cabana or car or wherever we were resorting to elementary school techniques- as soon as one would abandon the stereo to get another drink or just wander away for a second the other would seize the opportunity & swap out the iPod, hilarious.  I dream about that trip often, Colorados, Mechapa, and Rancho Santana mostly and of course Gigante for other reasons.  I know I already wrote a blog Nica Heart recapping a small part of my trip experience but I keep reliving the trip and dreaming of the next one.  There are so many spots to surf in the world Bali, Fiji, Australia, Costa Rica, Mexico, too many to list.  I wouldn't mind going back to Nica although I don't think I could top that first trip and there are so many places I want to visit I would love to surf some other breaks.  

My surf life is the epitome of  "lucky we live Hawaii" surf all year round, with a world class 7 mile stretch of breaks up north shore, and I've amassed a solid quiver.  Not much I can complain about :) just wanted to say...

Happy International Surfing Day!  Stay stoked! <3

Awesome photography by Jim Walsh (Roxy Girl Vanina Walsh's pop).  Mahalo! Still one of my favorite shots<3
Queens, Waikiki 2010

Weirdly yours,

Saturday, June 7, 2014

M-1 Nate's Last Sparring Sesh

Although the picture maybe a little blurry and a little candid, it was the perfect moment captured. This is the epitome of M-1, we're a silly light-hearted ohana who share a passion and appreciation for Muay Thai. 

It was Nate's last of sparring at M-1, he leaves for law school on Wednesday.   So we had what felt like an extra long sparring night but so awesome.  I wish you the best of luck buddy!  If you ever decide to train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu/Submission Grappling please check out Marcelo Garcia's academy for me!!! Let us know how you're doing from time to time & if you get in any training up there ^_^ Unless my other-half is free on a Friday night, there's no place else I'd rather be<3 M-1 Martial Arts & Fitness practicing & learning w/ the fam. 

Weirdly yours,

Friday, June 6, 2014

A New Old Beginning

Life was much simpler when all we had was Xanga.  I logged into my old account this morning & much to my surprise I logged in with ease.  Before I was SurfShine I was KimPossible808 and before that, SweetRice808. 

I'm temporarily over "social media" aka Facebook and Instagram.  My best friend hasn't had Facebook for a while now and I don't miss her on it because I can text her or call her whenever I want <3.  I'm not even sorry for not wanting to see what you like or what you write on someone else's wall.  I'm friends with people in real life and interact with them on a daily basis, I think that should suffice.  I especially don't want to see who my other-half is "friending" or what the hell he's doing on social media and especially what exactly his conversations are with certain individuals cuz he can do whatever the hell pleases him, I don't have to agree with it or like it.  It's his life & his choices, instead of being annoyed and getting all frumpy about stupid Facebook/Instagram I'd rather just cut it out of my life completely.  Hey anyone who wants to talk to me knows my number and/or where I'll be because well, I have a pretty routine life.

If I happen to make (knock on wood) I don't want people blowing up my Facebook.  If you can't tell me now I won't know then, I'll be in another place and no one should grieve anyway.  My life is sweet and full, no regrets.  When it's my time to go all I hope is that I leave no loose ends & for my finances to be in order so no one is left with that burden, honestly that's pretty much it. 

I'm pragmatic and emotional, I know it's a paradox but hey welcome to my life. Here I am regressing back to my blogger days because who am I kidding I love to write. They say a picture is worth a thousand words you better be damn sure I'll give that a run for the money ^_^

Let the surf shine!  Here's a shorebreak picture I took at Hapuna beach (05/30/2014) on the Kohala coast of the Big Island of Hawai'i with my GoPro Hero III black edition.

Weirdly yours,