After hearing the Savers commercial on the radio multiple times a day for what seemed like a month straight Misty & I finally had ourselves a look-see at their Halloween costumes. And we ended up being Crayons for Halloween 2014 I found a green aka Illuminating Emerald costume (big surprise, right?!) and Misty settled for pink aka Shimmering Blush since they were fresh out of yellow or orange.
On the Wednesday before Halloween we went to a Halloween costume/charity event- Ghouls n' Gambling sponsored by Elite Parking which was actually really fun, getting there was a trip because it was in the Cupola Theater in the Honolulu Design Center which I had never been to before, I had been to Amuse the wine bar and Stage the restaurant but I had no idea where this theatre was and I was pretty hesitant to go exploring the Honolulu Design Center in my crayon costume, especially since I wasn't actually sure if people would dress up for this event.
We found the theatre after minimal exploring and minimal stares while walking past normal-dressed people hanging out in Amuse. Upon our arrival we were asked if we were +21 to which I replied, "yes, would you like to see our IDs?" and of course they didn't and slapped some wrists bands on us and pointed us through the entrance (man, gone are the days I'm 28 and slowly accepting the fact that I won't be carded anymore haha). When we get in there I see a craps table and I tell Misty, "ohh I want to play this!" to which she replies, "lets walk around a little & see what else there is." So we take maybe 5 steps and she sees a roulette table and immediately stops and throws some [fake] money on the table.
So much for walking around, so I went off solo to find my co-workers & after I found them, I dragged one of them to the craps table with me while the other went to play Black Jack. We were given $2,000.00 fake money which was super fun because we only had a couple hours to "gamble" before they closed the games and everyone was super nuts. There were $100 and $500 chips everywhere, $500 on everything!! Hawaii people and gambling, I had a feeling everyone there either played backyard craps or frequented the 9th island aka Las Vegas. It was a great event, there was so much excitement and noise, people were having a great time, the poor dealers couldn't handle our demands, they let as many people on the table as we could fit and whenever someone won it was just madness as they tried to pay out everyone but everyone kept pushing bets or re-betting, it was hilarious. At the end we redeemed our chips for raffle tickets and waited for the drawing.

We didn't win anything but it was a fun and eventful evening. After the event Misty and I decided to grab food & we ended up at Zippys, I obviously hadn't thought this through because I planned to eat at the event (not spend all my time gambling) but neither of us had anything to eat at the event and I didn't bring a change of clothes to change into after so we showed up as Crayons.
Mom was still working when we drove into the Zippys parking lot so we called her to show her our costumes & took a selfie, she told my dad we are her 12-year-olds.
Ok, the first thing my mom said about our costumes after I showed her a picture when we tried them on at Savers was, "wow, that's kind of conservative huh?" and Misty, without skipping a beat said, "Auntie, we're getting old." Well conservative no matter, with a little hair and make-up magic they looked cute enough for me.
Halloween 2014- Misty wanted to experience the whole Waikiki thing, which is, if you don't already know an absolute shit-show, one that I had my fair share of seeing so I wasn't particularly stoked about walking through Waikiki but of course I did and we rallied with Adam. My other-half opted out of celebrating Halloween, shucks I was so excited to pimp him out at Hulas too, "bebe, go get that guy to buy you a drink and give it to me." haha for another day, I suppose.
Adam picked us up from the apartment around 7-turtles and we went to Hale Vietnam to eat Pho before hitting the strip, then to Adams house in Waikiki, popped open some bubbly, used a few drag tricks to keep my thigh-high stockings up, took the most awkward picture of the evening which ended up being the best picture we could get of the three of us that night. We walked the strip where Adam aka freaking Waldo got shout-outs like no other, "I found you Waldo!", where there were no other crayons, and I did feel conservative in my with all the half and more than half naked people walking around, but also where any kids we passed loved our Crayon costumes, haha at least someone liked our costumes, we walked until Misty was satisfied then went to Hulas!!
We saw Edward Scissor-Hands on the strip and ended up behind him in the line into Hulas so we used the opportunity to snap a pic! His costume was great!
Saw this Greaser aka Wally, he was walking the strip with his friend Juna and they came by Hulas so I went outside to say "Hi!"
OMG this guys' Troll costume took the cake for me, he had the jewel in the piko! I didn't realize he was that ripped until I looked at the picture we took, poor guy- I made him take like 10 pictures because Adam couldn't work my phone camera and wasn't taking the picture the long ways to get his piko (the best part!) zomg Adam was photographer-fail that night lol but Purple Troll was super sweet about it cuz I was so stoked about his costume, I guess his bf didn't mind either cuz he was just waiting for him on the side while we stole him to take pictures.
It was like 10:30p or 11:00p when we decided to call it a night, Adam had to work the next morning, I was dawn patrolling, and we are just getting old haha. Home before midnight, way to go team. Scottie boo was going to pick Misty and me up from Waiks but Adam ended up driving us home and we stopped at McDonald's for some ice cream and fruit punch LOL. I'm pretty sure we're not 28 - 30 years old.
Also pretty sure we dated ourselves on Halloween with the Crayola Crayon and Waldo costumes and trying to take a picture with the Troll guy, '90s kids much? We brought it back.
I should post some pictures of us having epic Halloween parties in my garage when we were 8 - 10 year-olds, not much change except for our costumes- we were way too creative back when we were kids to have simple costumes and [possibly] store bought costumes like these.
Hope you had a fun Halloween too.
Weirdly yours,