Friday, January 6, 2017

Fitness Struggles- I used to be athletic-ish.

I watched a video on Facebook and I'll admit I was inspired by this skinny girl who made a video of herself doing 100 push-ups for 100 days because she was tired of people calling her "scrawny." I thought that was inspiring and also, hey! I can do push-ups. So, I thought I'd give it a try. 

To my absolute horror and dismay, it took me 41:53 to accomplish 100 push-ups. Just for some point of reference, I used to be able to do 3 sets of 20 push-ups no problem at M-1 as a part of the conditioning portion of class which came at the very end of class, after the technique/drill part of class. Now it takes me basically 42 minutes to do 100 push-ups and my last 10 push-ups were so ugly, terrible form, even being considered "push-ups" was just me having pity on myself.

After this "workout" I slept for I don't know, 15 hours, probably because my body was in total shock and on high alert trying to repair all the muscle fibers I just destroyed. When I finally dragged myself out of bed my shoulders, pecs, triceps, lats, and upper abs were sore, like I had done a hard workout sore. 

Yo, shit got real, a wake-up call if you will. I've lost so much muscle, endurance, and cardio in the past year-ish the thought of getting back into shape is daunting. I had never given it much thought before because it happened so naturally, go to Muay Thai, go to Jiu Jitsu, surf, run, go to the UFC gym and play with the gym equipment/machines or other weird stuff they have there, try to submit my best friends, try not to get submitted by my best friends, hit pads, hit more pads, spar, run with Ash, so many options.

Being in SF is hard man, it's cold here, my O'ahu Grown blood has not acclimated to this weather. I don't know if it's just me but I find it even more difficult to motivate myself to workout when it's cold. I'd rather cuddle and stay cozy in bed.

Anyway, this was not supposed to be a rant. The day after I did 100 push-ups there was no way I could bring myself to do another 100, my body was reeling in pain. The second day after doing 100 push-ups I did 10 pull-ups [maybe I'll change it up instead]. Nope. Nope. Nope. Body still sore, probably shouldn't have done that, gave myself tennis elbow, I guess lifting my 116lb body full of chub without muscle isn't a very easy task. Maybe today I'll try another 100 push-ups. I think I'm modifying what that girl did, I'll do 100 push-ups 100 times but probably not on consecutive days, I'm not sure if that defeats the purpose of the exercise but I'll take it as an accomplishment when I get there and hopefully be in better shape.

Weirdly yours,

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